Saturday, February 28, 2009

another one

thursday lunch..
2 business ladies come in and ask about the wine choices.. then ask to taste the pinot grigio and the white zin... then they both order a glass of the pinot..

i bring both glasses to the table.. they both start to drink it. one lady looks at me and says "i want to have beef so i'm going to have the merlot." then she looks at me and says "are you gonna throw that glass of wine away or can i have it for free since you already poured it?" i said "if you want to drink it, i have to charge you. if not, i have to throw it away." then she looks at me and tells me she wants the merlot and i throw out the other glass..

first off...who goes into a restaurant and says "i want to try everything before i eat or drink it?" it irritates me to no end. and secondly, if you didn't know what you were going to eat, don't order wine until you're set on a food choice.. and thirdly, don't be a dumb bitch and ask if you can drink it for free!

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